Monday, December 30, 2024

Campaign Turn 2 Set Up - A Tale of Two Crews

So to recap, Bin Sang has kicked his mutinying crew off the Pacifier and, in a fit of temper, threw off all the equipment with them other than the weaponry he was carrying (a blade and an infantry laser). At least he has kept the Freelancer Licence.

Sona Bah and his crew are now left without a ship and short of a member.

At least the six of them agreed to divide the cash up fairly - 3 credits to Bin Sang and 15 credits for the others.
So onto the second turn...

Bin Sang

Being only one, Bin Sang doesn't have to pay any upkeep. However, he still has the debt on the ship so pays off 1 credit only for the interest to increase by 1 credit. Not surprisingly he heads for the local bar, looking for a new recruit to join him. He finds a robot, Se'artu, who appears to be at a loose end and, against his better judgement, decides to take him on.

 The crew of the Pacifier - Bin Sang & Se'Artu

Se'Artu (robot)
Reaction: 2
Speed: 4
Combat: 1
Toughness: 4
Savvy: 2

The two of them are going to have to face an opportunity mission. Bin Sang remains inquisitive about the package that his former crew had delivered for Kunda Kah. He has heard that the computer system of the Council of Elders has a few weak points in its security and now with a robot on his team, he thinks that it's worth giving it a crack to find out more.

Sona Bah's Crew

Meanwhile the others realise that they don't have a Freelancers Licence. Influenced by Wasa Camara and Naja Wince, both of whom claim that they might know someone who can get his hands on a Licence, no questions asked, Sona Bah decides to take them up on their offer. He sends off Naja Wince who manages to obtain a forgery for free.
Then they pay for their upkeep (1 credit) so are down to 14 credits.

Sona Bah decides to look for a new crew member and bumps into...

Concord Gilpin

Concord Gilpin (human)
Reaction: 1
Speed: 4
Combat: 0
Toughness: 3
Savvy: 0
XP: 0

Background: Religious Cult
Motivation: Faith
Class: Scavenger

Concord tells him that he is on the Sacred Path of Self-Sufficiency and longs to share his experiences with others. He proudly tells Sona Bah that all his clothes have been rescued from the shredder and his pistol is second-hand. He feels that being part of the crew will give him the opportunity to travel and meet other like-minded people. Sona Bah decides not to tell him about his lack of ship and, instead, offers him a place on the crew which Concord readily accepts.

To impress Concord, Sona Bah takes him to the offices of Ravenlow Inc to talk to them about the vital information obtained during the last mission. Ravenslow normally exports all their produce to other planets so, sure enough, the corporation is puzzled why their crates should be in a building on the outskirts of town. This could prove embarassing so they ask Sona Bah to return to the building and hold it until they can furtively whisk the crates away.

Meanwhile Fua Londo remains sulking in his cabin, refusing to talk to anyone.

They already have a job to do so Sona Bah wants both Wasa Camara and Taolo Sebaga to go exploring to see what the chances are of picking up a ship on the cheap. However, Taolo Sebaga decides that she wants to hunt down the Clan of the Seven and get them off her back Wasa Camara decides to accompany her. The two of them manage to locate the planetary nomads and decide not to tell Sona Bah of their failure to explore.


So onto the missions - Bin Sang raiding the Council of Elders and Sona Bah having to decide whether to return to the Sand Runners or to attack the Nomads.





  1. Is running two crews likely to be hard? Doesn't Sin Bang not hold a grudge against his former crew? Rivals?

  2. It's certainly going to be complicated but I thought that I'd give it a go. I can always drop one crew if I find it over burdensome.
    As present I feel that Bin Sang is too focused on trying to recruit a new crew but I suspect that, given time to fester, he will develop a rivalry with the others.
    Watch this space!

  3. Great stuff. I really like the narrative twists you put on the die rolls.

    1. Thanks, that's kind of you to say.
      I've dabbled a little into Ironsworn and Ironsworn - Starforged and find that they have helped to get the old brain cells working when it comes to trying to explain the situations that the dice toss my way.


Campaign 3 Set Ups - Bin Sang and Sona Bah

So we have Bin Sang and his partner, Se'Artu, still needing to recruit more crew members and Fua Londo and Naja Wince seeking a new recr...