Monday, December 30, 2024

Campaign Turn 2 Set Up - A Tale of Two Crews

So to recap, Bin Sang has kicked his mutinying crew off the Pacifier and, in a fit of temper, threw off all the equipment with them other than the weaponry he was carrying (a blade and an infantry laser). At least he has kept the Freelancer Licence.

Sona Bah and his crew are now left without a ship and short of a member.

At least the six of them agreed to divide the cash up fairly - 3 credits to Bin Sang and 15 credits for the others.
So onto the second turn...

Bin Sang

Being only one, Bin Sang doesn't have to pay any upkeep. However, he still has the debt on the ship so pays off 1 credit only for the interest to increase by 1 credit. Not surprisingly he heads for the local bar, looking for a new recruit to join him. He finds a robot, Se'artu, who appears to be at a loose end and, against his better judgement, decides to take him on.

 The crew of the Pacifier - Bin Sang & Se'Artu

Se'Artu (robot)
Reaction: 2
Speed: 4
Combat: 1
Toughness: 4
Savvy: 2

The two of them are going to have to face an opportunity mission. Bin Sang remains inquisitive about the package that his former crew had delivered for Kunda Kah. He has heard that the computer system of the Council of Elders has a few weak points in its security and now with a robot on his team, he thinks that it's worth giving it a crack to find out more.

Sona Bah's Crew

Meanwhile the others realise that they don't have a Freelancers Licence. Influenced by Wasa Camara and Naja Wince, both of whom claim that they might know someone who can get his hands on a Licence, no questions asked, Sona Bah decides to take them up on their offer. He sends off Naja Wince who manages to obtain a forgery for free.
Then they pay for their upkeep (1 credit) so are down to 14 credits.

Sona Bah decides to look for a new crew member and bumps into...

Concord Gilpin

Concord Gilpin (human)
Reaction: 1
Speed: 4
Combat: 0
Toughness: 3
Savvy: 0
XP: 0

Background: Religious Cult
Motivation: Faith
Class: Scavenger

Concord tells him that he is on the Sacred Path of Self-Sufficiency and longs to share his experiences with others. He proudly tells Sona Bah that all his clothes have been rescued from the shredder and his pistol is second-hand. He feels that being part of the crew will give him the opportunity to travel and meet other like-minded people. Sona Bah decides not to tell him about his lack of ship and, instead, offers him a place on the crew which Concord readily accepts.

To impress Concord, Sona Bah takes him to the offices of Ravenlow Inc to talk to them about the vital information obtained during the last mission. Ravenslow normally exports all their produce to other planets so, sure enough, the corporation is puzzled why their crates should be in a building on the outskirts of town. This could prove embarassing so they ask Sona Bah to return to the building and hold it until they can furtively whisk the crates away.

Meanwhile Fua Londo remains sulking in his cabin, refusing to talk to anyone.

They already have a job to do so Sona Bah wants both Wasa Camara and Taolo Sebaga to go exploring to see what the chances are of picking up a ship on the cheap. However, Taolo Sebaga decides that she wants to hunt down the Clan of the Seven and get them off her back Wasa Camara decides to accompany her. The two of them manage to locate the planetary nomads and decide not to tell Sona Bah of their failure to explore.


So onto the missions - Bin Sang raiding the Council of Elders and Sona Bah having to decide whether to return to the Sand Runners or to attack the Nomads.




Sunday, December 29, 2024

A Successful Mission. However...

Bin Sang and the crew make their way back to the Pacifier for a debrief. 

Naja Wince and Fua Londo had managed to take the packet to the building. The person who had accepted it had been wearing a full face-mask and gloves and said nothing so they couldn't identify him or her or it. However, Fua Londo did notice a number of crates with the logo of a local corporation emblazoned on them (vital information that may be useful to a corporate patron).

Wasa Camara showed the crew a scrap pistol that he had found "lying around" while he was taking shots at the Sand Runners.

Experience - all the crew get 3XP apart from Sona Bah who has 4XP.

Bin Sang goes to see Kunda Kah. She is highly apologetic and hands him 5 credits plus 3 danger pay.

That all went well.

And then I diced for campaign and character events...

The crew decide that it’s time for a new member to be in charge and propose that Sona Bah should be their new captain. After all, he was the one who did most of the killing. So Sona Bah gets a further 3 XP. Naturally, Bin Sang is none too happy about the "mutiny" so he kicks the crew off his ship and goes searching for a new squad. Meanwhile, Sona Bah tries to make plans to get a new ship for his crew.

However, not everyone is happy about the new arrangements. Fua Londo, who enjoys a connection with Kunda Kah and the rest of the Council fears that the crew could be cutting their nose to spite their face and blasts at the others. He storms off to his cabin and refuses to join the others in their activities looking for the next job.

So we're now a crew member down and no ship. I can't say that I saw that coming after one mission. Ruddy dice!!!!

Coming soon - Mission 2.

Campaign Turn 1 You Have Mail - The Action

Equipment Assigned:-
Bin Sang -
Infantry Laser and Blade
Sona Bah - 
Plasma Rifle with Seeker Sight, Combat Armour
Wasa Camara - Auto Rifle
Naja Wince - Blade plus 
Kunda Kah's package
Fua Londo - Blade
Taolo Sebaga -Military Rifle

The crew were told to take the package to the building with the pink stripe (centre right). They started totally unaware of the danger approaching. Using the deployment rules in Trailblazers, the Sand Runners had started by advancing to forward positions and so were hidden by the buildings. At least the crew had seized the initiative so managed to move a little closer to the target.

The set-up at the start of the mission

Turn 1

The approach to their objective was rather open so the plan was for Naja Wince and Fua Londo to move rapidly towards the building while Bin Sang and Taolo Sebaga would advance slowly and guard their flanks and Wasa Camara and Sona Bah would hang back and try to pick off any enemy before it managed to get too near Naja Wince. 

The dice were kind to me

That's handy - four able to move during the Quick Action

Naga Wince and Fua Londo dashed towards the building and Bin Sang and Taolo Sebaga moved forward. Neither could see any enemy. The Sand Runners broke cover and charged towards the crew.

The Sand Runners move towards the crew (the other two are still behind the building on the right.

Sona Bah and Wasa Camara lift their firearms and each takes a couple of shots at the three Sand Runners nearest to the target building. Each manages to take one out. The gunfire causes one of the Sand Runners behind the building with the purple stripe to panic and it makes a run for it.

Turn 2

The sudden surprise appearance of the Sand Runners clearly causes the crew members to hesitate - only one moves during the Quick Action Phase. "I don't recall Kunda Kah mentioning any big sets of teeth on legs, do you?" Fua Londo shouts to Bin Sang. Bin Sang ignores the comment and takes a shot at the third Sand Runner but misses.

The Sand Runners continue their advance forward. 

 One of them gets very close to Naja Wince and Fua Londo...

Oh dear, get your blades out, lads!

...but fortunately Sonar Bah kills it before it manages to reach them.

So the two humans skirt around the creature in its death throes and reach the door to the building.

Naja Wince reaches the door while Fua Londo keeps a look out

Wasa Camara and Taolo Sebaga takes shots at the Sand Runners but miss.

Turn 3

Again my dice rolling lets the crew down. Only Bin Sang moves during the Quick Action Phase and again he misses. The Sand Runners continue their advances but, having now seen how some of their fellow creatures have suffered, are playing it a bit more carefully and trying to stick to cover.

The rest of the crew take shots at the Sand Runners but miss again.

Turn 4

Only Sona Bah moves during the Quick Action Phase. He hits one of the Sand Runners but only manages to stun it. 

The Sand Runners charge the crew members. The stunned one manages to reach Sona Bah. Another launched itself against Bin Sang who managed to fight it off and kill it.

The third one reached Taolo Sebaga and attacked.

I managed to roll a double 1. Taolo Sebaga is stunned but the Sand Runner is killed.

Naja Wince gives the package to the occupant of the building who happens to be a person of interest (+1 story point) and then he and Fua Londo run towards the exit point.

The final Sand Runner decides that discretion is the better part of valour and does a runner.

The crew make their way back to the town centre to find Kunda Kah and collect their payment.

Campaign Turn 1 Set Up - You Have Mail!

 Bin Sang and his team are on the flat planet of Tanaquil Standpoint - a planet that requires a Freelancer Licence (3 credits).

Fue Londo goes looking for a job and is surreptitiously approached by Kunda Kah, a member of the planet's council of elders.
Taolo Sebaga goes to the gym and gets 1XP.
Naja Wince and Bin Sang go trading. Naja, with his connections to the criminal underworld, receives some insider information about a job that's coming up while Bin Sang gets his hands on a seeker sight.
Sona Bah and Wasa Camara go exploring. Sona Bah has a few drinks with a couple of locals but learns nothing of use while Wasa Camara hears some useful information about
Taolo Sebaga's rivals, the Clan of Seven. They could track them down and, hopefully, eliminate them but Bin Sang, focusing on his need for fame, decides to take the job and goes to see Kunda Kah.

She explains that she needs a package delivered to an address on the outskirts of the town - no questions asked. She explains that it's urgent. The package must be delivered immediately (and must be achieved within 6 rounds) and she offers 3+ extra credits danger pay. Other than that, there are no special conditions.

While sharing out their weapons and equipment, the crew start discussing the one rumour they have heard and decide that they have a quest to go on but Bin Sang still maintains that they need to deliver Kunda Kah's package.

Bin Sang send Fue Londo to collect the package and the crew start to make their way towards the target address, wondering why they have been offered such a good fee, unaware that Kunda Kah forgot to mention that the area is struggling with an infestation of Sand Runners. This could be a very short campaign!

Sand Runners - 7 of the blighters!

Next post will be the battle.

5 Parsecs Reboot - Meet the New Crew

Sorry, Folks, it's been a loooooooong time since I last posted anything.
I've not been idle.
I've done fair bit of figure painting and scenery buying and making but no gaming apart from my annual dose of Sellswords and Spellslingers with one of my sons each Christmas (see my other blog for that.

And a lot has changed.

Ivan has now brought out his third edition of 5PFH plus three add-ons plus a compendium. And I have retired, moved (and downsized) to a new part of the UK  and now have more time on my hands so I am hoping that this is now a start of a campaign of a decent length. Oh, and I've got a new phone so the photos should be better too.

I'll be using 5PFH 3rd Edition with a few add-ons from Freelancers and Trailblazers but I will also draw from the first edition, which I think has a few good bits in it.

So here we go with a new crew and it has to be new one because Davin Kinall, the captain of the Sunder's Wing was assassinated - dropped out of a box and got trodden on while we were packing for the move (the rest of the crew suspect hat Vinca Jissard may have had a hand in it). May he rest in peace.

While there has been a lot of change over the last five years, my dice rolling has not improved.

(from left to right) Bin Sang, Sona Bah and Wasa Camara

Naja Wince, Fua Londo and Taolo Sebaga

Bin Sang (a minor alien)
Reaction: 2
Speed: 4
Combat: 0
Toughness: 3
Savvy: 0
XP: 0
Luck: 0
Background: Military Outpost
Motivation: Fame
Class: Negotiator
Patron: Bartu dos Jibola (a dodgy, wealthy individual)

The establishment of a Unity military outpost on Venducci was greeted with puzzlement as the inhabitants had always been a peace-loving race. Following a gathering of the Sens-Moot, the Venduccians (named "Bajjers" by Unity) decided simply to let the interlopers play soldiers while they carried on their lives as normal.
Bin Sang, like so many of his people, made a living as a freelance negotiator. It was during a job on Tanaquil Standpoint that he met Bartu dos Jobola, a magnate who seems to have an interest in so many business deals and just about stays within the law. Bartu was so impressed with Bin Sang's approach to his art that he offered to loan him the credits to buy his own vessel, the Pacifier - a former diplomatic vessel - on the understanding that he would carry out the occasional mission for him. Bin Sang accepted the offer.

Sona Bar (a human with a mysterious past)
Reaction: 1
Speed: 4
Combat: 0
Toughness: 3
Savvy: 1
XP: 0
Luck: 0

Background: Alien Culture/Peaceful High Tech Colony

Sona Bar is the child of missionaries. His formative years were spent on Arusha - a highly advanced planet. His parents had hoped that he would continue their ministry amongst the Arushans but he had been disillusioned by what he had seen his parents go through over the years. Instead, he decided to become a merchant, selling the high-tech products of Arusha across the sector. But things didn't always go as he had hoped.
It was during a low time when an important sale had fallen through that he met Bin Sang and the promise of success and fame caused him to drop the trading and join the Venduccian.

Wasa Camara (another minor alien)
Reaction: 1
Speed: 5
Combat: 0
Toughness: 3
Savvy: 0
XP: 0
Luck: 0

Background: Bureaucrat
Motivation: Romance
Class: Scoundrel

Wasa Camara is an Arushan who, worked in the Ministry of Commerce, recording imports and exports. Deciding that his wage wasn't enough, he made it known to his clients that his palms were always open to a little bribery. Unfortunately, he made it known too loudly and was soon discovered and dismissed.
Jobless and with a record for corruption, he found himself an outcast from his people. He had little option other than trying his hand at scrounging, cheating and petty theft.
It was while he was practising these skills in the starport that he was approached by one of his former clients, Sona Bar, who offered him a better option - to offer his services to Bin Sang.

Naja Wince (human)
Reaction: 1
Speed: 5
Combat: 0
Toughness: 4
Savvy: 1
XP: 0
Luck: 0

Background: Research Outpost
Motivation: Survival
Class: Criminal

Naja Wince grew up on the outskirts one of Unity's largest research posts on the planet of Fortunata, where nearly 90% of the population found employment servicing and supplying the research. Much of the work was focused on developing more powerful propellants Unfortunately many of the bi-products of that experimentation were toxins and other pollutants, which caused cancers and other health issues amongst the population. 
Naja Wince decided that he would have none of that. Initially he got involved in sabotage and subterfuge to undermine the outpost's work. He had thought that he would be regarded by his people as a freedom-fighter or "Robin Hood" figure but he soon learnt that he was simply labelled a crook. So he escaped the planet and landed on
Tanaquil Standpoint where he met up with Bin Sang.

Fua Londo (human)
Reaction: 1
Speed: 4
Combat: 0
Toughness: 3
Savvy: 0
XP: 0
Luck: 0

Background: Space Station
Motivation: Order
Class: Negotiator
Patrons: the local government of
Tanaquil Standpoint and The Riven Patriots (a private organisation whose aims are not fully clear to Unity)

Fua Londo was born and grew up on the space station Orbiter094. The risks involved in living in such dangerous and cramped conditions can easily lead to disputes escalating into violence so the station employs teams to defuse such situations. Even as a child Fua Londo was good at calming things down so he was a natural for the roll.
With the decommissioning of the space station, he found himself homeless and jobless so started promoting himself as a negotiator and soon found he was in much demand. Some of his work brought him into contact with Bin Sang and a partnership has formed between them.

Taolo Sebaga (human)
Reaction: 1
Speed: 4
Combat: 0
Toughness: 3
Savvy: 2
XP: 2
Luck: 1

Background: Long-Term Space Mission
Motivation: Revenge
Class: Working Class
Rivals:Clan of the Seven (Planetary Nomads)

Taolo Sebaga was a member of the exploration team to the far-flung Contemporary Complex. Such long flights in space can mess with a person's mind and she found that some of her colleagues were able to relate better to the machinery that they tended than to the humans around them, including her. Taolo Sebaga has never disclosed what happened to her on that mission or who caused it to happen but it is very clear to those around her that she has a hatred of a particular being and will, given the chance, eliminate them. Given the opportunity to join Bin Sang's crew, she snapped up the offer, regarding it as a way to hunt down her intended victim.
Her bitterness sometimes flows over into her dealings with others which has caused her problems. For reasons best known to them (and possibly Taolo), a clan of nomads on
Tanaquil Standpoint hold a grudge against her.

So that's the crew. Onto the equipment...

Weapons - 3 blades, 1 plasma rifle, 1 auto rifle, 1 military rifle and 1 infantry laser.
Gadgets - a repair bot.
Gear - combat armour, laser sight and nano doc.

Hmm, that feels a bit dodgy. Not a lot of firepower. I hope that the dice are kind to me when I roll my first opponent.

And finally, the crew start with 19 credits, 1 rumour, and 5 story points.

A record of their first mission on Tanaquil Standpoint will be coming up shortly.


Campaign 3 Set Ups - Bin Sang and Sona Bah

So we have Bin Sang and his partner, Se'Artu, still needing to recruit more crew members and Fua Londo and Naja Wince seeking a new recr...