Should Sona Bah and his team go back to secure the packages belonging to Ravenlow Inc or should they go after Taolo Sebaga's rival Desert Nomads. The Ravenlow mission seemed to make more sense - urgency and profit - and as hired muscle had been after Bin Sang and Se'Artu, it seemed logical that they would have also been hired to protect the packages.
This time, we have five secret agents, including a specialist and lieutenant.
The five Secret Agents with the Lieutenant on the right and the Specialist next to her.
The crew from left to right - Sona Bah, Wasa Camara, Naja Wince, Fua Londo, Taolo Sebaga and Concord Gilpin - all carrying the same weapons as last time.
But the area is still infested with Sand Runners so, inspired by one of the optional battle events, I thought I'd roll a D6 and if the score equalled the number of the turn, 1D3 Sand Runners would appear close to the centre of the board and attack the nearest figure, friend or foe. Little did I know that this would have quite an influence on the fighting.
The set up - two ordinary secret agents at top left and the lieutenant, special and other ordinary secret agent in the top centre. Taolo Sebaga and Concord Gilpin are bottom left, Sona Bah and, Wasa Camara are in the centre and Naja Wince and Fua Londo are on the right.
The crew failed to seize the initiative so onto...Turn 1
The mission started slowly. Only one crew member had the chance to move in the Fast Action phase so decided not to. The secret agents were unable to see anyone so, being cautious, remained where they were. The crew could see that things had changed since their last visit. There was a vehicle parked beside the target building and a quantity of the package were now outside.
They were also conscious of the possibility of Sand Runners so decided to go as fast as they could (dash) towards the building.
Turn 2
Still not a lot happening. Sona Bah continued his dash during the fast action phase; the secret agents still couldn't see anyone so again remained where they were and the rest of the crew continued their advances.
Concord Gilpin and Taolo Sebaga taking advantage of cover on the left flank.
Wasa Camara and Sona Bah take advantage of cover in the centre.
Fua Londo and Naja Wince take advantage of cover on the right flank.
Two secret agents (Squad 1) hide behind the containers waiting to pick off any targets.
The Lieutenant and Specialist hang back while the third secret agent takes cover behind a column. |
Turn 3
This is where the action really kicked off - Sand Runner!
A Sand Runner appears very close to the target building.
The squad of two secret agents still couldn't see the crew so remained where they were but the other secret agent and Lieutenant and Specialist advanced into cover. The secret agent could see the Sand Runner so took a shot and stunned it.
The Sand Runner rushed (in a random direction towards the firer but couldn't attack.
The crew now alerted by the gunfire to the presence of the secret agents continued to move forward.
Turn 4
All the secret agents moved forward into better cover. One agent fired at the Sand Runner and killed it.
The crew continued their dash forward.
Turn 5
Two more Sand Runners appeared - this time very close to Wasa Camara. One crew figure could move during the Fast Action phase so Wasa took two shots at the Sand Runners with his auto rifle from point-blank range and missed both times!
One of the Squad 1 secret agents fired at Taolo Sebaga but missed and the other secret agents shuffled around under cover.
The Sand Runners charged Wasa Camara and attacked but, amazingly, he was able to kill one of them.
Fua Londo and Naja Wince reached the target building. Taolo Sebaga returned fire against the secret agent but missed. Concord Gilpin moved into a better position.
Two more Sand Runners appear behind Wasa Camara!
Sona Bah advances round the front of a building while Fua Londo and Naja Wince go round the side.
Taolo Sebaga and Concord Gilpin advance to more forward cover.
Turn 6No fast phase moves. Squad 1 fired at Taolo Sebaga and missed again. Squad 2 remained where they were again.
The remaining Sand Runner attacked Wasa Camara again but once more he got the better of the creature and killed it.
Taolo Sebaga again returned fire and missed again. Concord Gilpin moved int a firing position and tried to hit the same secret agent but also missed. Wasa Camara similarly moved into an advantage point and fired at the secret agents and missed. Fua Londo and Naja Wince, armed with just blades, decided to stay by the building while Sona Bah dashed forward to join in the firefight.
Turn 7
Both secret agents in Squad 1 fired at Taolo Sebaga. One missed while the other stunned her. The other secret agents fired at Wasa Camara and all missed.
Both Taolo Sebaga and Concord Gilpin returned fire and missed but Wasa Camara managed to hit the ordinary secret agent in Squad 2 and killed him (at last!) Fua Londo and Naja Wince still hung back. Sona Bah dashed forward once more.
It's all getting busy in the centre!
Turn 8Two Fast Action phase moves so Taolo Sebaga and Concord Gilpin renewed their firing firing on Squad 1 and missed.
This time is was the secret agents' turn to return fire and one manage to stun Taolo Sebaga. Two of the other squad fired at Concord Gilpin and missed.
Wasa Camara took a shot and managed to kill the specialist.
Sona Bah fired and missed. Fua Londo and Naja Wince decided that it was time to get involved even if they did just have blades.
One secret agent panicked and did a runner.
Turn 9Sona Bah moved during the Fast Move phase and fired but missed again.
The lieutenant retreated to better coved and fired back at Sona Bah but also missed. The remaining member of Squad 1 fired at Sona Bah and KO'd him.
Concord Gilpin and Wasa Camara again fired but missed.
This is turning into a stationary firefight.
Turn 10
Finally a decent dice roll - three moved in the Fast Action phase.
Concord Gilpin fired and missed, Wasa Camara fired and missed and Taolo Sebaga fired and missed. Well, that was effective!
The secret agent of Squad 1 fired and managed to KO Taolo Sebaga but the lieutenant missed.
Wasa Camara managed to stun the lieutenant.
Turn 11
The lieutenant fired at Concord Gilpin and KO'd him (this is getting desperate!) but the remaining secret agent missed.
Wasa Camara again stunned the lieutenant while Fua Londo and Naja Wince dashed as fast as they could to get into the fight with their blades.
Turn 12
Wasa Camara moved in the Fast Action phase and fired at the lieutenant and stunned him again (that's handy - 2 stun markers!).
The lieutenant fired back and missed. The other secret agent also fired at Wasa Camara and managed to stun him.
Fua Londo and Naja Wince finally managed to reach the lieutenant, attacked with their blades and succeeded in killing him.
The final secret agent failed his panic test and legged it!
Fua Londo and Naja Wince finally reach the lieutenant for the final coup de grace.
And breathe!
That was challenging. I was wondering if the crew were going to have leave the battlefield. Let's hope that the post-battle activities are kind to the crew, especially the injury resolution bit.