Thursday, January 16, 2025

Sona Bah and Crew Take Stock

Fua Londo, Naja Wince and Wasa Camara manage to drag the rest of the crew back to a safe hideout to hopefully recover. Sadly, they were so focused on getting their companions to safety that they didn't have a chance to scour the battlefield to find anything of value after the final secret agent had escaped, though Fua Londo and Naja Wince did come across a battle visor while they were milling around the packages outside the target building.

The mission was a success (some might say a pyrrhic victory!) so they earned 4 credits for the mission plus and now have Ravenslow Inc as a new patron.


Sona Bah - Minor Injury - 1 turn in the sick bay.
Taolo Sebaga - Death! She'll never get the chance to sort out those rivals.
Concord Gilpin - Minor Injury - 1 turn in the sick bay.

Well, that could have gone better but it could have gone a lot worse! 


Sona Bah - 4XP - Total 11XP
Wasa Camara - 4XP - Total 7XP
Fua Londo - 3XP - Total 6XP
Naja Wince - 3XP - Total 6XP
Concord Gilpin - 4XP - Total 4XP

Time for a few upgrades:

Sona Bah - +1 Reactions - Total now 4XP
Wasa Camara - +1 Reactions - Total now 0XP
Fua Londo - +1 Toughness - Total now 0XP
Naja Wince - +1 Toughness - Total now 0XP

Meanwhile the Department of Excise, Barters and Tariffs (DEBT for short) of the Council of Elders has been been focusing on the attempts of visiting freelancers' to avoid paying their fees and the fact that Sona Bah has been operating without a ship has been flagged up as a potential anomaly. Was the break from Bin Sang an attempt to avoid paying up? Sona Bah, aware that they have a dodgy freelancers' licence decide that the crew better settle any demands rather than risk an in-depth investigation. And so their stash drops to 12 credits (Campaign Event!) Sona Bah explains his decision to the rest of the crew. Wasa Camara is not impressed and expresses his frustration by head-butting a nearby wall... much harder than he planned. He gives himself concussion and has to spend a turn in the sick bay (ruddy Character Event!)

So Sona Bar's crew is down to five with only two available for the next mission. This could be fun.


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Campaign Turn 2 The Action Pt 2 - The Return of the Sand Runners

Should Sona Bah and his team go back to secure the packages belonging to Ravenlow Inc or should they go after Taolo Sebaga's rival Desert Nomads. The Ravenlow mission seemed to make more sense - urgency and profit - and as hired muscle had been after Bin Sang and Se'Artu, it seemed logical that they would have also been hired to protect the packages.
This time, we have five secret agents, including a specialist and lieutenant.

The five Secret Agents with the Lieutenant on the right and the Specialist next to her.

The crew from left to right - Sona Bah, Wasa Camara, Naja Wince, Fua Londo, Taolo Sebaga and Concord Gilpin - all carrying the same weapons as last time.

But the area is still infested with Sand Runners so, inspired by one of the optional battle events, I thought I'd roll a D6 and if the score equalled the number of the turn, 1D3 Sand Runners would appear close to the centre of the board and attack the nearest figure, friend or foe. Little did I know that this would have quite an influence on the fighting.


The set up - two ordinary secret agents at top left and the lieutenant, special and other ordinary secret agent in the top centre. Taolo Sebaga and Concord Gilpin are bottom left, Sona Bah and, Wasa Camara are in the centre and Naja Wince and Fua Londo are on the right.

The crew failed to seize the initiative so onto...

Turn 1

The mission started slowly. Only one crew member had the chance to move in the Fast Action phase so decided not to. The secret agents were unable to see anyone so, being cautious, remained where they were. The crew could see that things had changed since their last visit. There was a vehicle parked beside the target building and a quantity of the package were now outside.
They were also conscious of the possibility of Sand Runners so decided to go as fast as they could (dash) towards the building.

Turn 2
Still not a lot happening. Sona Bah continued his dash during the fast action phase; the secret agents still couldn't see anyone so again remained where they were and the rest of the crew continued their advances.

Concord Gilpin and Taolo Sebaga taking advantage of cover on the left flank.

Wasa Camara and Sona Bah take advantage of cover in the centre.

Fua Londo and Naja Wince take advantage of cover on the right flank.

Two secret agents (Squad 1) hide behind the containers waiting to pick off any targets.

The Lieutenant and Specialist hang back while the third secret agent takes cover behind a column.

Turn 3
This is where the action really kicked off - Sand Runner!
A Sand Runner appears very close to the target building.

The squad of two secret agents still couldn't see the crew so remained where they were but the other secret agent and Lieutenant and Specialist advanced into cover. The secret agent could see the Sand Runner so took a shot and stunned it.
The Sand Runner rushed (in a random direction towards the firer but couldn't attack.
The crew now alerted by the gunfire to the presence of the secret agents continued to move forward.
Turn 4
All the secret agents moved forward into better cover. One agent fired at the Sand Runner and killed it. 
The crew continued their dash forward.

Turn 5
Two more Sand Runners appeared - this time very close to Wasa Camara. One crew figure could move during the Fast Action phase so Wasa took two shots at the Sand Runners with his auto rifle from point-blank range and missed both times!
One of the Squad 1 secret agents fired at Taolo Sebaga but missed and the other secret agents shuffled around under cover. 
The Sand Runners charged Wasa Camara and attacked but, amazingly, he was able to kill one of them.
Fua Londo and Naja Wince reached the target building. Taolo Sebaga returned fire against the secret agent but missed. Concord Gilpin moved into a better position.

Two more Sand Runners appear behind Wasa Camara!

Sona Bah advances round the front of a building while Fua Londo and Naja Wince go round the side.

Taolo Sebaga and Concord Gilpin advance to more forward cover.

Turn 6

No fast phase moves. Squad 1 fired at Taolo Sebaga and missed again. Squad 2 remained where they were again.
The remaining Sand Runner attacked Wasa Camara again but once more he got the better of the creature and killed it.
Taolo Sebaga again returned fire and missed again. Concord Gilpin moved int a firing position and tried to hit the same secret agent but also missed. Wasa Camara similarly moved into an advantage point and fired at the secret agents and missed. Fua Londo and Naja Wince, armed with just blades, decided to stay by the building while Sona Bah dashed forward to join in the firefight.

Turn 7

Both secret agents in Squad 1 fired at Taolo Sebaga. One missed while the other stunned her. The other secret agents fired at Wasa Camara and all missed.
Both Taolo Sebaga and Concord Gilpin returned fire and missed but Wasa Camara managed to hit the ordinary secret agent in Squad 2 and killed him (at last!) Fua Londo and Naja Wince still hung back. Sona Bah dashed forward once more.

It's all getting busy in the centre!

 Turn 8

Two Fast Action phase moves so Taolo Sebaga and Concord Gilpin renewed their firing firing on Squad 1 and missed.
This time is was the secret agents' turn to return fire and one manage to stun Taolo Sebaga. Two of the other squad fired at Concord Gilpin and missed.
Wasa Camara took a shot and managed to kill the specialist.
Sona Bah fired and missed. Fua Londo and Naja Wince decided that it was time to get involved even if they did just have blades.
One secret agent panicked and did a runner.

Turn 9

Sona Bah moved during the Fast Move phase and fired but missed again.
The lieutenant retreated to better coved and fired back at Sona Bah but also missed. The remaining member of Squad 1 fired at Sona Bah and KO'd him.
Concord Gilpin and Wasa Camara again fired but missed.
This is turning into a stationary firefight.

Turn 10

Finally a decent dice roll - three moved in the Fast Action phase.
Concord Gilpin fired and missed, Wasa Camara fired and missed and Taolo Sebaga fired and missed. Well, that was effective!
The secret agent of Squad 1 fired and managed to KO Taolo Sebaga but the lieutenant missed.
Wasa Camara managed to stun the lieutenant.

Turn 11

The lieutenant fired at Concord Gilpin and KO'd him (this is getting desperate!) but the remaining secret agent missed.
Wasa Camara again stunned the lieutenant while Fua Londo and Naja Wince dashed as fast as they could to get into the fight with their blades.

Turn 12

Wasa Camara moved in the Fast Action phase and fired at the lieutenant and stunned him again (that's handy - 2 stun markers!).
The lieutenant fired back and missed. The other secret agent also fired at Wasa Camara and managed to stun him.
Fua Londo and Naja Wince finally managed to reach the lieutenant, attacked with their blades and succeeded in killing him.
The final secret agent failed his panic test and legged it!

Fua Londo and Naja Wince finally reach the lieutenant for the final coup de grace.



And breathe!
That was challenging. I was wondering if the crew were going to have leave the battlefield. Let's hope that the post-battle activities are kind to the crew, especially the injury resolution bit.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Another Successful Mission - the Plot Thickens

Bin Sang and Se'Artu return to the Pacifier to see what they managed to download.

While the robot was downloading the computer files, Bin Sang had found a cling fire pistol.
He had also survived the mission so gained 3XP, making him up to 6XP.

"So let's see what you downloaded," Bin Sang says to his partner but before the robot has a chance to upload the files into the ship's computer, the alarm sounds (campaign event coming up) - the life support system on the ship is failing and needs upgrading badly. That'll cost 5 credits, which is more than they have so they are stuck on the planet until they raise some more funds.
Meanwhile, as Bin Sang is making the necessary adjustments to the ship, he notices a stranger loitering outside the ship. He grasps his gun and goes to investigate - it's the local Evri delivery person who gives him a parcel. It's a gift from an anonymous well-wisher (Character event!) - a mysterious tract (a personal item - 3 story points!) Bin Sang
Bin Sang is baffled. Now they have a whole series of computer files and some strange writings to decipher.

So what do we know:-

  • Kunda Kah of the Council of Elders employed Bin Sang and his crew to deliver a package.
  • Se'Artu has downloaded a number of files from the Council of Elders' computer system pertaining to that mission.
  • The delivery address also had a quantity of crates with the logo of Ravenlow Inc stencilled on them.
  • An anonymous person has sent Bin Sang a tract.

I'm going to go a little off-piste here and have a look at the oracles of Ironsworn:Starforged to see what the tract is about - Manipulate/Fellowship - and what the computer files tell them - Mechanical/Blockade.
Well, they work well together.

As Bin Sang reads the tract entitled "A Better Way", he soon realises that the unknown author is not happy with the way that the planet is being run and proposes that the Council be deposed and replaced by a more democratic party. From the observations and criticisms made, Bin Sang surmises that the writer has inside information.
The files downloaded from the console include correspondence concerning the hiring of a band of mercenary bots to assist in the "upholding of law and order" by the rounding up of any suspected insurrectionists.

Bin Sang doesn't like the sound of this. The planet could be on the verge of civil war but, because of the faulty life support system and lack of funds, he can't escape the situation. Secretly, he also wonders what Se'Artu, a combat droid "at a loose end", was really doing hanging around the bar. Does he have any links to the mercenaries?

Meanwhile how is Sona Bah doing?

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Campaign Turn 2 The In/Action Pt 1 - A Raid on the Municipal Building

How many dice should I roll for this scenario? Page 92 of the rules say "The number of opponents you will face is affected by the campaign crew size you have chosen" and for a crew size of 6, I should roll two D6 and use the higher score while for a crew of 4 I should roll two D6 and use the lower score. So it's definitely two dice I'm rolling.
Well, I had chosen a crew of 6. The fact that I was already down to just two was simply down to rubbish dice rolling, not a conscious choice. So I rolled the two dice and got a 1 and a 2. The dice can be kind to me after all.
So, it's two secret agents, no specialists  but a unique individual - a Corporate Spook (well, that makes sense!)

The Two Secret Agents and the Corporate Spook

So here we go...

Bin Sang and Se'Artu had spent much of the day both inside and outside the main municipal building of the city, checking out the security system and the location of an easily accessible computer console.

That night, under the cover of darkness, the crew of crew eased open a side door of the building. There was no sound of an alarm (I decided to roll a dice with a 50/50 chance of setting off an alarm and attracting security on top of the secret agents - the dice were kind again). Little did Bin Sang know that a small squad of agents had been sent to stop him in his tracks and, in breaking into the building, had already deactivated the alarm.

The Set Up with Bin Sang and Se'Artu on the left, the Secret Agents and Corporation Spook on the right and the computer console in the centre.

Turn 1

All started well. Because of the recce that he had previously carried out, Bin Sang knew where the console was so advanced along the corridor in front of him (in the Fast Move) towards it. The secret agents and corporate spook knew had received instructions to hunt down and eliminate the the trespassers but didn't know what Bin Sang's objective was. The agents moved forward keeping to the shadows but spook remained where he was Se'Artu followed behind Bin Sang.

End of the First Move

Turn 2

No fast moves this turn. The first agent spotted Se'Artu but, rather than fire, he decided to retreat.  Disgusted, the other agent took a shot and hit the robot but only stunned it. The spook hearing the gunfire advanced forward. Bin Sang dashed into the side room, followed swiftly by Se'Artu.

Turn 3

Bin Sang (Fast Move) continued his dash towards the computer console. The agents and spook hesitated, perhaps unsure where their two subjects had gone, and remained where they were. Se'Artu followed his captain. 

The state of play at the end of the third turn - Bin Sang and Se'Artu approach the console while the agents and spook drag their heels, unsure of their prey's location.

Bin Sang and Se'Artu approach the computer console

The two agents edge very slowly forward, hugging any cover they can find

The Corporate Spook seems more interested in the horticulture than the targets

Turn 4

The agents were clearly unsure of how to proceed. Ever cautious, the first agent and spook decided to retreat, the second agent remained where he was while taking advantage of the cover. Se'Artu reached the computer console and managed to log in immediately and download the files about Bin Sang's previous mission. Bin Sang in a moment of rashness, moved out of the cover and took a shot at the second agent but only managed to stun him.

Turn 5

"Mission achieved. Exit!" Se'Artu announced so Bin Sang started to move towards the exit furthest away from their attackers. Shaken by the coming under attack, the two agents once again remained where they were while the spook started to advance. Se'Artu logged off from the console and rushed towards the same exit as Bin Sang.

Se'Artu starts dashing towards the exit, followed by Bin Sang. One agent and the spook try to close in but staying behind cover is more important than speed.

Turn 6

Se'Artu continued its dash towards the exit. Finally (and too late!) the agents took action. The first agent moved forward but was unable to see any targets. The second agent swung around the corner and fired at Bin Sang from almost point blank range but missed. The spook burst into the room from the other direction and also fired at Bin Sang but his aim was no better. Bin Sang got the hint and dashed after Se'Artu.

A special agent and the corporate agent each take a shot at bin Sang but miss.

Turn 7

Se'Artu (Fast Move) continued his dash and managed to escape. The first special agent tried to catch up with compardres but still had no sight of Bin Sang. Surprised by his miss and the disappearance of Bin Sang, the second agent stood still and did nothing. The spook continued to advance but could not get a sight of Bin Sang, who followed Se'Artu out of the door of the municipal building and into the night.


Well, that was a bit of an anticlimax - only two shots on target in the whole game and no one injured. I found that basing the mission inside a building had a couple of adverse effects. Firstly it made close-up photography all but impossible so sorry about the vague photos. Secondly, but more importantly, it meant that Bin Sang and Se'Artu spent most of their time out of sight of their foes, which meant that the agents and spook were rolling each turn for their tactics (as per Trailblazers) and often remaining or retreating rather than chasing after their target who had just whipped round the corner. But I guess that that is what being cautious is all about!

Any way, the next post will be the post-action rolls. Then I'll see what Sona Bah and the rest of the mutineers get up to.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Campaign Turn 2 Set Up - A Tale of Two Crews

So to recap, Bin Sang has kicked his mutinying crew off the Pacifier and, in a fit of temper, threw off all the equipment with them other than the weaponry he was carrying (a blade and an infantry laser). At least he has kept the Freelancer Licence.

Sona Bah and his crew are now left without a ship and short of a member.

At least the six of them agreed to divide the cash up fairly - 3 credits to Bin Sang and 15 credits for the others.
So onto the second turn...

Bin Sang

Being only one, Bin Sang doesn't have to pay any upkeep. However, he still has the debt on the ship so pays off 1 credit only for the interest to increase by 1 credit. Not surprisingly he heads for the local bar, looking for a new recruit to join him. He finds a robot, Se'artu, who appears to be at a loose end and, against his better judgement, decides to take him on.

 The crew of the Pacifier - Bin Sang & Se'Artu

Se'Artu (robot)
Reaction: 2
Speed: 4
Combat: 1
Toughness: 4
Savvy: 2

The two of them are going to have to face an opportunity mission. Bin Sang remains inquisitive about the package that his former crew had delivered for Kunda Kah. He has heard that the computer system of the Council of Elders has a few weak points in its security and now with a robot on his team, he thinks that it's worth giving it a crack to find out more.

Sona Bah's Crew

Meanwhile the others realise that they don't have a Freelancers Licence. Influenced by Wasa Camara and Naja Wince, both of whom claim that they might know someone who can get his hands on a Licence, no questions asked, Sona Bah decides to take them up on their offer. He sends off Naja Wince who manages to obtain a forgery for free.
Then they pay for their upkeep (1 credit) so are down to 14 credits.

Sona Bah decides to look for a new crew member and bumps into...

Concord Gilpin

Concord Gilpin (human)
Reaction: 1
Speed: 4
Combat: 0
Toughness: 3
Savvy: 0
XP: 0

Background: Religious Cult
Motivation: Faith
Class: Scavenger

Concord tells him that he is on the Sacred Path of Self-Sufficiency and longs to share his experiences with others. He proudly tells Sona Bah that all his clothes have been rescued from the shredder and his pistol is second-hand. He feels that being part of the crew will give him the opportunity to travel and meet other like-minded people. Sona Bah decides not to tell him about his lack of ship and, instead, offers him a place on the crew which Concord readily accepts.

To impress Concord, Sona Bah takes him to the offices of Ravenlow Inc to talk to them about the vital information obtained during the last mission. Ravenslow normally exports all their produce to other planets so, sure enough, the corporation is puzzled why their crates should be in a building on the outskirts of town. This could prove embarassing so they ask Sona Bah to return to the building and hold it until they can furtively whisk the crates away.

Meanwhile Fua Londo remains sulking in his cabin, refusing to talk to anyone.

They already have a job to do so Sona Bah wants both Wasa Camara and Taolo Sebaga to go exploring to see what the chances are of picking up a ship on the cheap. However, Taolo Sebaga decides that she wants to hunt down the Clan of the Seven and get them off her back Wasa Camara decides to accompany her. The two of them manage to locate the planetary nomads and decide not to tell Sona Bah of their failure to explore.


So onto the missions - Bin Sang raiding the Council of Elders and Sona Bah having to decide whether to return to the Sand Runners or to attack the Nomads.




Sunday, December 29, 2024

A Successful Mission. However...

Bin Sang and the crew make their way back to the Pacifier for a debrief. 

Naja Wince and Fua Londo had managed to take the packet to the building. The person who had accepted it had been wearing a full face-mask and gloves and said nothing so they couldn't identify him or her or it. However, Fua Londo did notice a number of crates with the logo of a local corporation emblazoned on them (vital information that may be useful to a corporate patron).

Wasa Camara showed the crew a scrap pistol that he had found "lying around" while he was taking shots at the Sand Runners.

Experience - all the crew get 3XP apart from Sona Bah who has 4XP.

Bin Sang goes to see Kunda Kah. She is highly apologetic and hands him 5 credits plus 3 danger pay.

That all went well.

And then I diced for campaign and character events...

The crew decide that it’s time for a new member to be in charge and propose that Sona Bah should be their new captain. After all, he was the one who did most of the killing. So Sona Bah gets a further 3 XP. Naturally, Bin Sang is none too happy about the "mutiny" so he kicks the crew off his ship and goes searching for a new squad. Meanwhile, Sona Bah tries to make plans to get a new ship for his crew.

However, not everyone is happy about the new arrangements. Fua Londo, who enjoys a connection with Kunda Kah and the rest of the Council fears that the crew could be cutting their nose to spite their face and blasts at the others. He storms off to his cabin and refuses to join the others in their activities looking for the next job.

So we're now a crew member down and no ship. I can't say that I saw that coming after one mission. Ruddy dice!!!!

Coming soon - Mission 2.

Campaign Turn 1 You Have Mail - The Action

Equipment Assigned:-
Bin Sang -
Infantry Laser and Blade
Sona Bah - 
Plasma Rifle with Seeker Sight, Combat Armour
Wasa Camara - Auto Rifle
Naja Wince - Blade plus 
Kunda Kah's package
Fua Londo - Blade
Taolo Sebaga -Military Rifle

The crew were told to take the package to the building with the pink stripe (centre right). They started totally unaware of the danger approaching. Using the deployment rules in Trailblazers, the Sand Runners had started by advancing to forward positions and so were hidden by the buildings. At least the crew had seized the initiative so managed to move a little closer to the target.

The set-up at the start of the mission

Turn 1

The approach to their objective was rather open so the plan was for Naja Wince and Fua Londo to move rapidly towards the building while Bin Sang and Taolo Sebaga would advance slowly and guard their flanks and Wasa Camara and Sona Bah would hang back and try to pick off any enemy before it managed to get too near Naja Wince. 

The dice were kind to me

That's handy - four able to move during the Quick Action

Naga Wince and Fua Londo dashed towards the building and Bin Sang and Taolo Sebaga moved forward. Neither could see any enemy. The Sand Runners broke cover and charged towards the crew.

The Sand Runners move towards the crew (the other two are still behind the building on the right.

Sona Bah and Wasa Camara lift their firearms and each takes a couple of shots at the three Sand Runners nearest to the target building. Each manages to take one out. The gunfire causes one of the Sand Runners behind the building with the purple stripe to panic and it makes a run for it.

Turn 2

The sudden surprise appearance of the Sand Runners clearly causes the crew members to hesitate - only one moves during the Quick Action Phase. "I don't recall Kunda Kah mentioning any big sets of teeth on legs, do you?" Fua Londo shouts to Bin Sang. Bin Sang ignores the comment and takes a shot at the third Sand Runner but misses.

The Sand Runners continue their advance forward. 

 One of them gets very close to Naja Wince and Fua Londo...

Oh dear, get your blades out, lads!

...but fortunately Sonar Bah kills it before it manages to reach them.

So the two humans skirt around the creature in its death throes and reach the door to the building.

Naja Wince reaches the door while Fua Londo keeps a look out

Wasa Camara and Taolo Sebaga takes shots at the Sand Runners but miss.

Turn 3

Again my dice rolling lets the crew down. Only Bin Sang moves during the Quick Action Phase and again he misses. The Sand Runners continue their advances but, having now seen how some of their fellow creatures have suffered, are playing it a bit more carefully and trying to stick to cover.

The rest of the crew take shots at the Sand Runners but miss again.

Turn 4

Only Sona Bah moves during the Quick Action Phase. He hits one of the Sand Runners but only manages to stun it. 

The Sand Runners charge the crew members. The stunned one manages to reach Sona Bah. Another launched itself against Bin Sang who managed to fight it off and kill it.

The third one reached Taolo Sebaga and attacked.

I managed to roll a double 1. Taolo Sebaga is stunned but the Sand Runner is killed.

Naja Wince gives the package to the occupant of the building who happens to be a person of interest (+1 story point) and then he and Fua Londo run towards the exit point.

The final Sand Runner decides that discretion is the better part of valour and does a runner.

The crew make their way back to the town centre to find Kunda Kah and collect their payment.

Sona Bah and Crew Take Stock

Fua Londo, Naja Wince and Wasa Camara manage to drag the rest of the crew back to a safe hideout to hopefully recover. Sadly, they were so f...